Is Marijuana Legal in Rhode Island 2024

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Is Marijuana Legal in Rhode Island 2024?

Yes, marijuana is legal for both medical and recreational use in Rhode Island. The state passed legislation in 2022 to legalize the possession, use, and cultivation of marijuana for adults aged 21 and older. This means that individuals can legally possess and consume marijuana within the state's borders.

Rhode Island Marijuana Possession Laws

Under Rhode Island law, adults aged 21 and older can possess up to one ounce (28 grams) of marijuana. Possession of amounts exceeding one ounce but less than five pounds is considered a civil violation and may result in a fine. Possession of more than five pounds is a criminal offense and may lead to more severe penalties.

Rhode Island Marijuana Cultivation Laws

Adults aged 21 and older in Rhode Island are allowed to cultivate marijuana plants for personal use. Each household can grow up to six plants, with a maximum of 12 plants allowed per household if multiple adults reside there. It is important to note that these plants must be grown in an enclosed and secure area that is not visible to the public.

Rhode Island Marijuana Penalties

While marijuana is legal for adult use in Rhode Island, there are still penalties for certain violations. Possession of more than one ounce but less than five pounds is considered a civil violation and may result in a fine of up to $150. Possession of more than five pounds is a criminal offense and can lead to imprisonment and higher fines.

Who can prescribe medical marijuana in Rhode Island?

In Rhode Island, medical marijuana can be prescribed by physicians who are licensed by the state's Department of Health. These physicians must meet certain criteria and have a bona fide patient-doctor relationship with the individual seeking medical marijuana. Patients must also have a qualifying medical condition as defined by Rhode Island law.

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By providing clear and concise information about marijuana laws in Rhode Island, individuals can better understand the legal framework surrounding marijuana possession, cultivation, and use within the state.

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